Face painting is fun! We take pride in delivering exceptional service to all of our customers. Read what some of our satisfied clients have said about us!
Face painting is an art where it doesn't matter what age you are. Most everyone loves to get their face painted and we face paint all over Florida! We will send a face painter to your party within a 75 mile radius of Tampa, FL.
We also travel the state of Florida for Festival painting and also Connecticut in the summer months.
Our face painters create great memories every day. Please like us on Facebook where you can interact with us and tell us what you would like to see for face painting designs and also see where we will be performing at next!
Butterfly face painting
Tampa Bay
Face Painter Tampa Bay Face Painting Testimonials..."was an absolute hit! Everyone including adults joined in on the face painting fun...727-565-3502
Welcome to Honey Bunch Face Painting
NOTICE: Do not copy images or recreate artwork without the written consent of Honey Bunch Face Painting and Body Art. All images and artwork (our exclusive face painting designs) found on this site are the sole intellectual property of Honey Bunch Face Painting and Sassy Mouth Photography. All images and artwork are copyright protected.
Copying and usage infringement of artwork and/or photography from this site will result in penalties punishable by law.